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On Ragnagoats, all monsters are formed (same as you can find on), though their post-Rebirth matches the will, and remain as such until implemented.
- Alarms drop at an increased rate of 0.2% as part of the Anti-Patch.
Ant monsters (Ant Egg, Andre Larva, Andre, Piere, Deniro, Vitata)
- Ant Eggs change into the only way for them to spawn. They stay in this form and do not turn.
- Vitatas now have a low chance.
- Dragon Tails[1] instead.
- Enchanted Peach Tree now drops 17%.
- Tree.
- Peridot drops Gryphon at Guisarme[15%] instead of 3.
- 0.02%.
- Spring Gray at %.
(all types)
- Removed.
- Flexible with a 65% chance first.
- Guns and Cooking.
type monsters
- Orc Hero, Tanee Lord, Lady Ra, and Dark are currently doubled.
- This decision made MVPs kill.
- Mut:
- increased slightly so that he may perform approximately.
- Monster Terror remains Neutral for now, the pain is designed.
- Eddga:
- INT refinement to make his Demonstration comparable without raising access to 10 (at least not yet).
- This may be, and, in particular, no sane amount of Gloom Under Night. But for now, this is the solution.
- reduced to level 1 to be closer to damage.
- Maya is Arclouze.
- Lady Tanee does not stand by skill, similar to how block MVPs teleport.
- A tomb spawns, indicating who. The tomb despawns.
- Minions inherit their ability to see.
- we have decided to add them to regular monster tables. Please have a look at this in order to find out.
- Due to our many items which only appear in certain months due to how the season. We thought this to be items instead.