WoE on Ragnagoats is currently on break! The next WoE will take place on the 2nd of March 2024. If you wish to ensure that your guild has a say in how WoE is shaped on Ragnagoats, please ensure your guild selects a WoE Representative and that said representative has access to the WoE discussion channel on our Discord.


On Ragnagoats, War of Emperium is normally separated into four 11 week seasons separated by 2 weeks break time. However, due to the launch of the Core Mechanics Changes in mid January, the WoE Representatives decided to push WoE back two months to allow everyone to adjust. The seasons have been shortened to 9 weeks as a result and the first WoE is set for the 2nd of March.
With each new season, a new realm and castle(s) are selected. Season 1's realm is Geffen and the chosen castle is Bergel.

WoE Schedule 2024 (click to view)

Day Time Duration Realm Castle
Saturday 7pm server time 1 hour Geffen Bergel


As with there only being one castle open at a time, Ragnagoats War of Emperium also has a few mechanical and item adjustments:

No guildless characters! On Ragnagoats, only those who are members of a guild with the Guild Approval skill can enter castles during WoE.
No Transcendend or Taekwon classes! Characters that have gone through Rebirth are no longer able to enter castles during WoE. There is, however, a Shadow Character system in place which allows Transcendend characters to revert back to their 99/50 selves for WoE. Check below for more info!

Taekwon, Soul Linkers, and Star Gladiators, once released at the end of February 2024, will also not be able to enter castles for the time being.
No Mini Boss or MVP Cards! The WoE Representatives have unanimously voted to disable Mini Boss and MVP cards for the first WoE season of 2024 as a test. We will monitor the situation closely and stay in contact with our WoE guilds throughout the season.
10 Players per Guild per Castle This means that there is a capacity on the warps leading into the active castles, they will only let through 10 players of the same guild per castle at a time. Only when there are 9 or fewer players of the same guild in that castle will the warps reopen to let more players of that guild inside (again, only up to 10). This cap may change depending on our population but never mid-season.
No Alliances Guilds will not be able to set each other as allies for the purpose of evading friendly fire during WoE.
Friendly Fire Skills Allies will trigger Hunter traps set by Guild members, and Quagmire affects your allies as well.
Adjusted Trap Behavior In WoE, Ankle Snares will immediately stop a player if they step on it and Monks will not be able to use their Snap/Body Relocation skill to move away after triggering an Ankle Snare.
Adjusted Emperium As soon as Ice Pick becomes available (2nd of May 2024), the Emperium's DEF will be reduced from 40+80 to 40+0.
Adjusted Treasure Boxes Treasure Box drops have been adjusted and redistributed to prevent certain items being locked away for months at a time due to realms rotating with each season.
Please check this document for a detailed list of the redistributed drops.
The first Treasure Box remains unchanged, though all even-numbered Treasure Box drops were changed to a new "standard" Treasure Box 2 drop list:
  • Dead Branch - 100%
  • Union of Tribe - 5%
  • Oridecon - 48.5%
  • Elunium - 72.75%
  • Necklace[1] - 0% -> 0.5%
  • Rosary[1] - 0% -> 0.5%
  • Glittering Jacket[1] - 0% -> 0.25%
  • Emblem of the Sun God - 0% -> 0.02%
There will be also no God Items available from Treasure Boxes, nor will there be any other means to obtain them.
WoE Warper Given our low population at the moment and after considering feedback from the WoE Representatives, we agreed to provide WoE Warper NPCs at requested locations. These warpers will teleport you to the castle map, though not directly in front of the castle, for a zeny fee.
These NPCs are subject to change depending on the server's population as well as the number of guilds and players participating in WoE.


It is our opinion that allowing Trans classes in WoE is detrimental at this point as Trans WoE is not only disliked by many but it is also inherently imbalanced, especially given our current population. We have, as such, come to the decision to bar them from entering First Edition castles.

But wait! There is more! We have come up with a system that allows players to take their reborn characters back into castles, but there's a twist - they will revert back to their pre-Rebirth 99/50 selves!

How does all of this work you may wonder - below you can find a comprehensive explanation, though if you still have questions or comments, head over to our Discord and let us know!

What is a Shadow Character?

Shadow Characters are copies of a reborn character's 99/50 pre-Rebirth self. When a 99/50 second class character visits the Valkyrie in order to go through the Rebirth process, their current self - stats and skills only! - gets saved for later use.

How do I change to my Shadow Character?

While this system is available at any time, Shadow Characters are restricted to towns, inns, the relevant maps where the castles are located (for example prt_gld) and the castles themselves (for example prtg_cas04). This decision was made to allow players to adequately prepare for WoE, giving them the chance to do so at their own pace, and because of certain classes that may require additional prep work before entering castles: Alchemists/Blacksmiths needing to stock their carts, Knights/Crusaders who want to get their mounts, and Hunters in need of their falcons.
When a Shadow Character enters any other map, they automatically revert to their original selves in the exact state they were before in terms of their class, stats, skills, experience and so on.

You may change to your Shadow Character by speaking to an NPC that can be found in every city that currently has an inn. This NPC will only interact with Transcendend classes (except High Novice) and Shadow Characters and will allow them to switch to their Shadow Character selves and back. The NPC will also provide cart/peco/falcon services but only to Shadow Characters (Creators/Whitesmiths, Lord Knights/Paladins, and Snipers who already had a cart/peco/falcon active upon switching to their Shadow Character selves will retain them.

What else do I need to know?

  • Transcendend classes are unable to enter First Edition castles. Taekwon/Star Gladiator/Soul Linker classes will also be unable to enter once they are released, which will be reevaluated at a later time.
  • Transcendend-only equipment will be unequipped once you change into a Shadow Character, so make sure to prepare accordingly.
  • Any Transcendend skill, such as a High Priest's Assumptio, will be dispelled upon entering a First Edition castle.
  • The option to reset a Shadow Character's skills, if required, does exist, for example if we deem it appropriate in case your (Shadow) Character is affected by a skill change.